
Growth Groups

Living as a Christian in a non-Christian world can be tough! The pressures of work, family, and life changes can take their toll on all of us at times. One of the ways we seek to care for and encourage one another is in the context of small groups, where we can apply to our daily lives the things we learn from God’s Word. It is also an environment where we can share more intimately and support each other in practical ways as well as in prayer.

We encourage all our members to participate in home growth groups where we can build strong friendships and share together as God’s people. We have many groups meeting on week nights, during the day and covering all ages and life-stages!  Groups meet mostly in people’s homes, but some meet in the church hall.  New members are always warmly welcomed, so why not think of joining one now? It’s a non-threatening way to meet other Church members and you will find it really helps you integrate more fully into the life of our Church community! 

English Teaching Classes (ESL)

Every Friday morning from 10am until 12 noon during School Terms, in the Main Hall. This group is especially for people wanting to learn how to speak and understand English. There are simple English classes followed by an opportunity for people to explore the teachings of Jesus if they choose (this is optional). This is a great way to meet new friends and engage in speaking English together.